• We do not make any charges to look after Funeral Donations


    When making funeral arrangements you will be asked if you would like us to process any charitable donations. You might choose to ask that mourners bring flowers to the funeral or suggest that a donation to your chosen charity is preferred. We will happily receive cash or cheque donations to our office either in person or via the post. You can make an on-line donation via our website, but please note that our chartity processing partner "Love2donate " will deduct an administration charges for their processing.

    Monies are held for about 6 weeks after a funeral in our dedicated "Charity/Client" account until being sent off to the nominated charity. We will at this stage also provide a full list of donors to the bereaved family for their own records. We ask that the charity send their formal receipt back to the family for complete peace of mind.

    If you have any questions about this service then please do not hesitate to contact us.